netball competition rules
Each team is comprised of 7 players on court with a maximum of 3 males on court (one in each third). Teams require a minimum of 5 players to take the court.
NOTE: All female teams are permitted in our mixed netball competition
2 x 13min halves with a 2-minute break for half time. If games start late, the game time may be adjusted.
Full competition schedule will be posted online prior to round 1. If game times need to be adjusted, you must give 7 days’ notice by sending an email to (no promises).
Automatic game time reminders are sent twice weekly (1 x 2 days after previous fixture + 1 x 1 day before next fixture). Once these are sent out, there is little chance of game time changes UNLESS we contact your organiser directly
NOTE: It is encouraged that all players full name & email are added to the team to ensure all players get email communications regarding game time changes, wet weather etc.
There is no sign in at venue however ALL players must be added to the team sheets prior to playing in our competition.
Appropriate Footwear
Runners, Cross Trainers, Turf Boots & Indoor Shoes are permitted & recommended. NO STUDS.
JEWElLERY / watches
Please ensure all jewellery including watches are removed prior to the match. Generally, hats and glasses are to be removed. These items are best left at office to ensure not lost. Nails should also be cut to the height of fingertips and no longer than 5mm above tip of finger. If they are, the player will be requested to wear gloves or tape each fingernail (this is not supplied by Be Active Melbourne). If not able to tape or has no glove, the player will not be able to take the court.
Note: Protective sunglasses and soft brimmed hats (bucket hats) are acceptable. Hard brimmed hats/caps/visors are not permitted due to risk of injury.
The team organiser is assumed captain of the team and is responsible for the conduct of team, communication with Be ACTIVE in event of forfeits, etc. They are to nominate a best and fairest player from the opposing team at the end of each game.
Be Active Melbourne encourages participants to play to the best of their ability whilst also playing to the rules by exhibiting good sportsmanship and fair play. At the conclusion of each game, one player is nominated from the opposing team by the captain who they think is best and fairest. These points are tallied throughout the preliminary rounds and a prize is given to the player with the most points at the end of the season.
Players may substitute as many times as they like but can only sub in once a goal has been scored. If substituting is used as a tactic for time wasting, the team will be issued a warning prior to being notified of no further subs.
A player that receives an injury that results in any blood must leave the field of play and a normal substitute is used. The player may not return to the court until the blood is cleaned up, and the wound is covered. For serious injuries received during play, the game may be stopped to assess and provide aid to the injured party. If the player needs to leave the court, a normal substitute is used. If a valid substitute is not available, the team must continue to play minus a player.
To keep the games on time, teams arriving late will be penalised accordingly; for every 3 minutes a point is awarded to the opposing team. If by 10 minutes a team with the minimum number of players have not entered the court, a 15 – 0 forfeit is issued.
NOTE: A forfeit loss accrues 0 points on the competition table whereas a loss still accrues 1 point.
During preliminary matches, Ring-Ins are permitted however must be registered in the team prior to playing in the competition. Where a player might ‘fill in’ for a team whilst playing for another, both teams must be in agreement as to whether the game will still count for points.
NOTE: In finals, only players REGISTERED prior to Semifinals will be able to play. This will be cross checked by the venue manager at the venue on the day.
If you have to forfeit a game, please contact us by email at If you forfeit without notifying us, you will be issued a warning. After 3 forfeits OR no shows, Be ACTIVE Melbourne has the right to withdraw your team from the competition without refund and a BYE round will be entered for the remainder of the competition.
NOTE: Forfeiting a game will result in a 15-0 loss and no competition points.
Win: 3 points
Draw: 2 points
Loss: 1 point
Should 2 teams end up with equal points after the preliminary rounds, points for "For and Against" will apply. If 2 or more teams are on equal points and the "For and Against" difference is equal, the team with the highest "For" score will secure the higher place on the table. If this fails to separate the teams, the team with the highest number of wins will secure the higher place. In the rare event that 2 teams find themselves completely equal with each other on the table at the end of the preliminary rounds and both are eligible for a place in the Finals Series, then those teams will need to play an elimination game prior to the commencement of the Finals Series.
At the completion of the pre liminary rounds, the Finals Series commences. There are 2 rounds, Semi Finals and Grand Final. The top 4 teams will play each other in the Semi Finals, with 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd. The winners from each game play each other at the Grand Final. Please note that this is dependent on the number of teams in comp. Any changes to the structure will be communicated to teams at the commencement of the competition.
DRAWN GAMES (Finals series only)
For drawn games in the Grand Final, extra time of 5 minutes is played (GOLDEN GOAL). However, each team must have an opportunity to score, i.e. each team will be given a centre ball. Please note that DRAWN games in Semi Final will not result in Golden Goal and therefore the team higher on the ladder will be deemed the winner.
Our wet weather page (hyperlink) will be updated 9.30am each day. In the event we must cancel due to wet weather after the decision is made at 9.30am, we will send out an email to all teams to notify. In the event we must cancel due to weather whilst underway, and has completed the first half, will be considered a completed game and the current score will be deemed the final result.
NOTE: We will try to replay washout games by accommodating 2 x wash out rounds during the season. In the event of the washout rounds being used, we may have to cancel rounds to ensure the finals series goes ahead as planned.
Due to the social nature of the competition, the referee or the supervisor has the option to SIN BIN a player to allow them time to cool off. The player can be requested off the court for up to 5 minutes depending on the severity of the incident. Sin Binned players can be replaced, and the player can return to the court after they have served their time.
A player can be sent off the field if the umpire / referee or supervisor witness the player committing dangerous or violent conduct, serious foul play (e.g. spitting, punching, striking) or using foul or abusive language. Such behaviour is not tolerated in any form, and a player that is sent off CANNOT return to the field and CANNOT be substituted. Depending on the severity of the incident, a sent off player may face additional disciplinary action if the umpire / referee or Supervisor deems it appropriate. This may include but not limited to suspending the player from participating in Lunchtime Legends competitions for a period of time. This decision will be made after investigation and review by the Lunchtime Legends management team.
The Lunchtime Legends management team values the participation of all teams. We understand from experience that people sometimes behave outside of character, and we do not hold any grudges once a matter has been reviewed and sentences served. As a matter of process, any person facing disciplinary action will be notified in advance that a matter is being investigated. In reviewing the incident, input is taken from the team captains on both sides, any witnesses, as well as the competition supervisor and match umpire / referee. Individuals will be advised in writing of any disciplinary action via their team captain or organizer along with the incident report and must comply or the team will face disqualification from the competition.
Rules of play are based on standard rules as referenced by their governing body unless otherwise stated but are modified to suit the social nature of the competition, the time available and the facilities used. Lunchtime Legends retains the right to make determinations on issues that fall outside of documented rules and is the final authority in all interpretations and decisions.
Bibs must be worn and will be provided.
When two players simultaneously catch the ball or simultaneously contact, a toss-up will be called. In a toss-up two players stand 0.9m (3 feet) apart, facing their own goal ends and hands by their side.
Is awarded when;
Stepping - Basically, the principle of the footwork rule is, that once the ball is caught, the first landed foot may not be lifted and re-grounded before the ball is released or the player will be considered to have stepped. Therefore, a player who catches the ball in the air may, land on one foot, keep moving and land on the second but must release the ball before the first foot is back on the ground. Pivoting is possible, as it both one and two feet landings.
Held ball - the ball, having been caught or held, must be released within 3 seconds.
Over-a-third - when the ball is thrown, it must be caught or touched in each third of the court by a player who is standing or who lands in the correct third .
Short pass - When a ball is thrown between team mates, there must be enough room on the court, between the hands of the thrower and those of the receiver for a third player to move between.
Offside - Each player is restricted to an area of the court. If you move into any other area, with or without the ball, you are offside and a free pass is awarded to the other team ie; GK goes into the centre third.
Replay - When a player deliberately bounces the ball to gain or re-gain possession.
Is awarded when;
Contact - You may not make contact with another player, even accidentally, if so contact will be called.
Obstruction - A defending player (ie a player on the team that does not have the ball), must stand 0.9m (3 feet) away from a player who has the ball but may have outstretched arms. If they are defending a player who does not have the ball they may stand closer then 0.9m (3 feet) but may not extend their arms.
Penalty pass or shot - If either contact or obstruction occurs in the goal circle a penalty pass or shot will be awarded.
A penalised player must stand beside the opposing player, completely out of play and cannot direct play until the ball has left the hands of the player.